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VII Week of Italian Cuisine in the World - the Academy's planned events


7th Week of Italian Cuisine in the World - the Academy's events

BEIRUT - Master class with Italian chef; dinner 

BUENOS AIRES - Conference "Cucina italiana, tra tradizione e innovazione" and other initiatives

BUDAPEST - In-person and virtual events

BRUXELLES - Round Table "Il cibo biologico ci salverà?"

COLONIA - Interview "Scrivere...di gusto …con gusto!" and dinner

FORTALEZA - Show-cooking with Italian chefs and other initiatives

FRANCOFORTE - Interview "Scrivere...di gusto …con gusto!" and dinner

HOUSTON-TEXAS - Conference "Convivialità, sostenibilità e innovazione: gli ingredienti della cucina italiana per la salute delle persone e la tutela del Pianeta” 

LONDRA - Round Table "Sustainable food chains. Thoughts on the future of our food and planet"; gala dinner

LOS ANGELES -Master Class; dinner

MALTA - Conference "Una Bella Novella: la Leggenda del Parmigiano" tasting and dinner

NEW YORK - Seminar “Cooking Italian - Conviviality, Sustainability, Quality”

OSAKA E KANSAI - Contest award cerimony and gala dinner 

PARIGI - Conference "Agricoltura&Genetica. Dalle colture tradizionali alle nuove frontiere della genetica"

PARIGI MONTPARNASSE - Master class, conference and tasting

SAN MARINO - Presentation event to restaurateurs

SAN PAOLO - 11th Week of Regional Italian Cuisine in São Paulo

SOFIA - Conference "I tesori culinari di Genova: storia, tradizioni, futuro" and gala dinner

TALLINN -  Cooking class with Italian chef and gala dinner 

TEL AVIV - Initiatives and Apulian dinner

WASHINGTON D.C. Legation launch event and dinner

updating list

Among the initiatives promoted by local institutions, many Delegations and Legations abroad will be involved in organizing convivial events dedicated to the theme of the review.
