Who is the Delegate?
The Delegate is the Academician chosen by the President’s Council to preside over a Delegation in a given area. He is pointed out by the Academicians to the Presidential Council, has the task of representing and directing his own Delegation and is responsible for his/ her Delegation’s activities and proposes any new Academicians to the President.
It is likewise the task of the Delegate to maintain close relations with the local public authorities, and to entertain relations with the local press, which plays a crucial role in the creation of the external image of the Accademia and of its postulates. The organisation of congresses, round tables and various events are the principal occasions in which the activities of the Accademia opens up to communication.
The Regional Coordinator
It is up to the Regional Coordinator to coordinate the activities of the Italian Delegations of his own region. He is the mediator between the Accademia and the regional authorities and he functions as a reference point for means of communication, likewise performing functions of public relations.
But the field where the Regional Coordinator must express all his capacities is that of the organisation of events, debates, round tables and congresses, indispensable as these are not only to the cultural image of the Accademia, but also to the process of endowing everyone (not only Academicians) with an ever-increasing awareness about the real values and problems of cuisine, catering, gastronomical tradition, and of the civilisation of the Italian table.
It is through such initiatives that the Accademia projects itself onto the outside world, thereby involving personages from the fields of politics, management, and culture. For it is through its public image that the Accademia can contribute to make an ever-growing number of people more sensitive towards safeguarding this country's cultural patrimony.